Perthshire Primary Schools Birdbox Project is being delivered by Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust in partnership with GreenTweed Eco. The project aims to provide young people with bird boxes and information on how to monitor them and care for the birds and other wildlife that may live in them.
The first year of this project – the Highland Perthshire Primary School Birdbox Project, saw 350 boxes delivered to 35 schools across Highland Perthshire, and to the North and West of Perth. This project was generously funded by The Basil Death Trust, The Jimmie Cairncross Charitable Trust and Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust.
It is hoped the second year of the project – The Perth and Kinross Primary School Birdbox Project, will see the delivery of a further 350 boxes to 35 state primary schools to Perth, and the East and South of the county. This is currently in the planning phase.
PKCT have produced a free resource pack to accompany the birdboxes, which can also be accessed and used independently.
Pupils at Kinloch Rannoch Primary School receive their birdboxes and learn about the resource pack ©Ian Biggs